Claire Ley

Claire Ley headshot

Claire Ley began her ballet training at Theater School of Dance in Louisiana, under Emily Seale. While there, she completed the Royal Academy of Dance Examinations. Claire furthered her training by attending summer programs at Houston Ballet, Joffrey Ballet, Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, Oklahoma City Ballet, and Texas Ballet Theater. Her professional journey started with Texas Ballet Theater Studio Training Company. After two years, Claire was promoted to the full company under Ben Stevenson OBE. While with the company, she performed in Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio, Beauty and The Beast, The Nutcracker, and Ben Stevenson’s Nutty Nutcracker.

In 2020, Claire joined City Ballet of San Diego as a Trainee. She was promoted to Apprentice the following year. Presently, Claire is in her first season as a Company Artist. Since joining City Ballet, she has enjoyed performing in the company’s productions of Still World Turning Again, Four Seasons, La Bayadere, Don Quixote, Paquita, Raymonda, The Nutcracker, and Gottschalk Festival and George Balanchine’s Danses Concertantes.

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Photography provided by Chelsea Penyak, Jaroslav Richters, Sophie Robertson, Anna Scipione, Dale Stokes, and Carly Topazio. The photography on this website depicts choreography copyrighted by the individual choreographers. Videography provided by Gary St. Martin of Convention Video. Choreography by George Balanchine is copyrighted by The George Balanchine Trust.

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