Megan Jacobs

Megan Jacobs action shot

Megan Jacobs began her ballet training at Petaluma City Ballet in California where she received coaching from Tamara Stakoun, formerly with The Kirov Ballet. Megan attended summers courses at San Francisco Ballet, Boston Ballet, Sacramento Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet. She attended the Pacific Northwest Ballet School on full scholarship and performed with the company in ballets such as Kent Stowell’s The Nutcracker, Hail to the Conquering Hero, and George Balanchine’s Serenade, Symphony in C, and The Four Temperaments. After PNBS, Megan danced with the Seattle based contemporary company Arc Dance Productions and as guest artist with The Lexington Ballet.

At City Ballet of San Diego, she has danced in Elizabeth Wistrich’s The Nutcracker, The Seasons, Don Quixote, Carmina Burana, Giselle, Carmen, Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, Requiem, The Firebird, Tchai Celebration and featured in Geoff Gonzalez’s Carmina Burana and Rhapsody in Blue, as well as, various George Balanchine ballets. She also danced in the company’s premiere of Peter Martins’ Hallelujah Junction and his Ash. She performed in On the Move and the Company’s virtual productions Moving Forward, A Masquerade Nutcracker, Rhapsody in Blue and Raymonda during the 2020-21 Season.

After two seasons as an apprentice, this is Megan’s fourteenth season as a full company member. She also serves as the Social Media Editor for the Company’s social media platforms.

Thank You to Our Season Sponsors

San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture
US Bank

Photography provided by Chelsea Penyak, Jaroslav Richters, Sophie Robertson, Anna Scipione, Dale Stokes, and Carly Topazio. The photography on this website depicts choreography copyrighted by the individual choreographers. Videography provided by Gary St. Martin of Convention Video. Choreography by George Balanchine is copyrighted by The George Balanchine Trust.

“City Ballet of San Diego” and the block letter logo are copyright trademarks of City Ballet, Inc.

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