Lucas Ataide

Lucas Ataide Action Shot

Lucas Ataide, a native of Brazil, began studying at Sol Ballet School under the direction of Patrícia Dantas and Alex Aleixo. He continued his training at the Escola Estadual de Dança Maria Olenewa in Rio de Janerio and later was accepted into the Conservatório Brasileiro de Dança. In 2010, Mr. Ataíde joined the Brazilian Ballet Company, under the direction of Jorge Teixeira and Tadheo de Carvalho, where he performed in full length ballets such as, Don Quixote, Giselle, Swan Lake, La Bayadere, Raymonda, La Sylphide and The Nutcracker. As a member of the Brazilian Ballet Company, Mr. Ataide toured internationally to Israel, Colombia and China. In 2013 he joined the Montgomery Ballet, under the direction of Darren McIntyre, where he performed featured roles in The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Spring Waters, Le Spectre de la Rose, Diana and Acteon, and The Phantom of the Opera. Mr. Ataide has appeared as a guest artist with The Albany Berkshire Ballet in New York, Charleston Ballet Theatre in South Carolina, Dance Canvas in Atlanta, Boca Ballet Theatre in Florida and Twin Cities Ballet in Minnesota.

Now in his nineth season, Mr. Ataide has been featured in many City Ballet productions, including Basilio in Don Quixote, in George Balanchine’s Rubies, The Four Temperaments, Walpurgisnacht Ballet, Danses Concertantes, Don Jose in Carmen, the Cavalier in The Nutcracker, Albrecht in Giselle, the male lead in Le Corsaire Pas de Deux, La Bayadere and Paquita. He performed in On the Move and was also featured in the Company’s virtual productions Moving Forward, A Masquerade Nutcracker, Rhapsody in Blue and Raymonda during the 2020-21 Season. Most recently, he performed the role of Romeo in the full length Romeo and Juliet.

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Photography provided by Chelsea Penyak, Jaroslav Richters, Sophie Robertson, Anna Scipione, Dale Stokes, and Carly Topazio. The photography on this website depicts choreography copyrighted by the individual choreographers. Videography provided by Gary St. Martin of Convention Video. Choreography by George Balanchine is copyrighted by The George Balanchine Trust.

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