Chiara Valle

Chiara Valle headshot

Chiara Valle, a native of New York, is a graduate of Boston Ballet School. She received her early training at Manhattan Youth Ballet (MYB), JKO School at American Ballet Theatre (JKO at ABT), and Ballet Academy East (BAE) in New York City. Chiara spent her summers attending Chautauqua Institution, Exploring Ballet with Suzanne Farrell, Boston Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Ellison Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, and Kirov Ballet Academy. While still a student, Chiara was invited by Patricia McBride and Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux to dance as an Apprentice with The Chautauqua Institution, having the opportunity to dance in company productions with Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and Charlotte Ballet. Chiara was also a part of American Ballet Theatre’s World premiere of The Nutcracker by Alexei Ratmansky, where students worked directly with Ratmansky and the building of a new ballet.

Chiara began her professional journey as a Trainee with The Washington Ballet under the direction of Julie Kent, dancing in productions on The Kennedy Center Stage, which include Giselle, Les Sylphides, The Dream, and The Nutcracker. In 2020, Chiara joined City Ballet of San Diego as a Trainee. She was promoted to Apprentice the following year and to Company Artist in 2024. Since joining City Ballet of San Diego, Chiara has performed in a variety of works including George Balanchine’s Rubies, Four Temperaments, Serenade and Le Baiser de la Fée, Elizabeth Wistrich’s Still World Turning Again, The Nutcracker, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Raymonda, Paquita, La Bayadere, Beyond the Circle, Straw Feet, Don Quixote and Romeo and Juliette as well as Geoff Gonzalez’s Rhapsody in Blue, Four Seasons, An American in Paris, Carmina Burana and Summer Wind.

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Photography provided by Chelsea Penyak, Jaroslav Richters, Sophie Robertson, Anna Scipione, Dale Stokes, and Carly Topazio. The photography on this website depicts choreography copyrighted by the individual choreographers. Videography provided by Gary St. Martin of Convention Video. Choreography by George Balanchine is copyrighted by The George Balanchine Trust.

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