Robert Steven Mack

Robert Steven Mack headshot

Robert Steven Mack began ballet training at age 13 under Diane Lauridsen at South Bay Ballet (now Ballet California) in Torrance, CA and trained at summer intensives at Ballet Arizona, American Ballet Theatre New York, the Royal Ballet at Covent Garden (London), and the Princess Grace Academy in Monte Carlo. He attended Indiana University Jacobs School of Music as a Premiere Young Artist Scholar and trained with Michael Vernon, Kyra Nichols, Carla Körbes, Christian Claessens, Sasha Janes and Sarah Wroth. With Indiana University Ballet Theatre, he performed “Scarf Man” in Jerome Robbins’ The Concert and “Angry Man” in Anthony Tudor’s Dark Elegies, as well as ballets by Martha Graham, Mark Morris, Christopher Wheeldon, Auguste Bournonville, David Lichine, and Nichole Haskins. Robert has been a guest artist with Ballet Project OC, United Ballet Theatre, and Ballet California and has performed with American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House. Robert joined Indianapolis Ballet in 2022 and danced in works by George Balanchine, including “Walz Boy” in Serenade, “Phlegmatic” in The Four Temperaments, Allegro Brillante, Rubies and Tarantella, Oberon in Victoria Lyras’ A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Septime Webre’s Romeo and Juliet. Robert is excited to join City Ballet of San Diego for the 2024-2025 season!

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US Bank

Photography provided by Chelsea Penyak, Jaroslav Richters, Sophie Robertson, Anna Scipione, Dale Stokes, and Carly Topazio. The photography on this website depicts choreography copyrighted by the individual choreographers. Videography provided by Gary St. Martin of Convention Video. Choreography by George Balanchine is copyrighted by The George Balanchine Trust.

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