Audition for City Ballet of San Diego

City Ballet of San Diego was formed in 1993 and is under the direction of Steven and Elizabeth Wistrich, both former dancers with Boston Ballet and Stuttgart Ballet. The company offers four major productions per season plus an outdoor summer performance. In addition to full-length classical ballets and original works by resident choreographers Elizabeth Wistrich and Geoffrey Gonzalez, the company presents ballets by George Balanchine, Peter Martins, Christopher Wheeldon, and other ballet masters. The company also performs community education and outreach performances throughout the season.

Company contracts range from 26 weeks (for productions in the fall, winter, and spring) to 32 weeks (including the outdoor summer production).

City Ballet of San Diego conducts auditions for company dancers on an on-going basis. Auditions are on an individual basis. Typically, we begin accepting auditions in January through May. Dancers must be well-trained in classical ballet, have strong partnering skills, and experience in contemporary ballet.

Dancers are contracted for 26 weeks beginning in October through mid-May, with an additional 6 weeks for a total of 32 weeks if part of the outdoor summer performance. Shoes, physical therapy and Workman’s Comp Insurance are provided.

To begin the audition process, please send your resume, dance photo, a video sample, letter of recommendation from current director and contact information to the City Ballet Artistic Director, Mr. Steven Wistrch.

Via email:

Via US Mail:

City Ballet of San Diego
Attn: Artistic Director Steven Wistrich
PO Box 99072
San Diego, CA  92169-1072

After Mr. Wistrich reviews the audition materials, you will notified of his decision and if he needs to see the dancer audition by taking company class. In May, the company knows the number of openings there will be for the upcoming season

Foreign dancers must have been awarded an O-1 visa to be considered for the company.

Dancers interested in becoming an Apprentice or Trainee must attend the company’s three-week Summer Intensive program. During the Intensive, the directors take the opportunity to observe a dancer’s work ethic, how quickly they pick up choreography, and how they look performing on stage after a short rehearsal period. None of this can be determined in a one-time, class audition. This is also an opportunity for the dancer to see if City Ballet is the company for them, if they like working with the directors, and if they like San Diego.

Information on the application process for the Summer Intensive is on the company’s website beginning in January. Chosen Apprentices work with the company during the 26-week contract period. Trainees start the first week of September and train through mid June. Trainees perform in some of the main-stage productions, but also perform with the City Ballet Studio Company in outreach performances.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Managing Director, Ms. Jo Anne Emery, by email at or by telephone at (619) 846-8774.

Thank You to Our Season Sponsors

San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture
US Bank

Photography provided by Chelsea Penyak, Jaroslav Richters, Sophie Robertson, Anna Scipione, Dale Stokes, and Carly Topazio. The photography on this website depicts choreography copyrighted by the individual choreographers. Videography provided by Gary St. Martin of Convention Video. Choreography by George Balanchine is copyrighted by The George Balanchine Trust.

“City Ballet of San Diego” and the block letter logo are copyright trademarks of City Ballet, Inc.